Megan Ladd | The Joy Coach

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Try This 1-Minute Exercise to Feel More Joy

One of my favorite topics to coach on is expanding your capacity for how good things can feel.

In your life, and your business.

We all have an established baseline for this, and in order to increase it, we've gotta be intentional about allowing more joy in and then showing our minds and bodies how safe it is to do just that.

One of my favorite ways to practice is by sitting in positive feelings once they're already stirred up.

So the next time you're feeling good, here's a quick exercise for you to try:

1. Notice and name what you're feeling, and describe how it's showing up in your body (i.e. "I feel very peaceful and at ease right now. My whole being feels settled and calm. I'm breathing slowly and deeply and all my muscles are relaxed.") This brings more presence and awareness to what's happening.

2. Once you've done that, practice staying in the feeling longer. Take deep breaths and continue to observe (and normalize) how the sensations feel in your body. If needed, offer yourself a reminder that staying here and feeling this is safe. (i.e. "This is what peace feels like. It's safe for me to stay in this for as long as I like.")

3. (Optional) If you're comfortable, you can imagine a dial where you turn up the volume of the positive sensations even more, and notice what shifts for you.

4. Keep breathing into the sensations, allowing them, and letting your system adjust to receiving it all — even if it feels a little TOO good to handle. When this happens, you're brushing up against your current personal limit. Stretch yourself to stay there a touch longer than you normally would.

And that's it!

Let your mind and body relax, and go about the rest of your day knowing that you put in some powerful work to expand your capacity for feeling good.

Practice as often as you remember, and notice how the amount of joy you're able to soak in increases over time.

Cheers to that,

P.S. The easiest way to experience more joy inside & outside of your business is working with me directly.

Things shift FAST inside of my coaching containers, and you'll feel lighter, freer, and more alive following our very first call.

I just had two 1:1 coaching spots open up, and will be launching another small group coaching experience soon.

If you're drawn to either of these options, click here to set up some time for us to connect.