Megan Ladd | The Joy Coach

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Do You Remember How To Play?

When was the last time you truly played? Let your hair down, and fully relaxed into the moment without an agenda or outcome in mind?

Think back to recess in elementary school — time was built into every school day to run around outside or do whatever you felt like doing. No matter how much learning was built into the schedule, there was always time set aside for fun. I mean, can you even imagine school without recess?!

I used to think I had plenty of time set aside for fun, but that often included reading self-help books, listening to podcasts, or working on my business or personal development in some way. All of these things are truly fun to me, so they naturally seemed like ways to play.

Eventually I realized my brain needs a break from thinking about work. And then it hit me: I’d forgotten how else I like to play!

The good news is remembering turned out to be much easier than I expected. All it took was a little time spent thinking back to what I’ve enjoyed from a young age.

Do you want to incorporate more play into your days? Do you need help remembering what it is that you even enjoy doing for fun?

If you answered "yes" to either of the questions above, read on...


1) Start by remembering how you used to play at recess or after school as a kid. Even if what comes to mind is more of a "kid" activity, just roll with what comes up. You might be surprised by how easily these activities can be incorporated into your adult life too.

2) Jot down any notes or memories that come to mind.

3) Look over your list, and put a star next to the activities that you would be most excited to participate in today.

4) Select one of the starred items from your list above.

5) Schedule this activity into your week! Make it a non-negotiable experiment. Try it out and see how you feel.


The more my business has picked up, the more essential play has become. It allows me to be the most loving, aligned, and energized version of myself.

I know I'm not the only one who gets their best ideas in the shower! This happens for a reason: when we relax, we create space for ideas and inspiration to flow to us and through us.

You know how they say if you don’t have time to meditate, you need to meditate longer? The same is true for play!

It's easy to come up with excuses of being "too busy" or "having more important things to do." Question these thoughts. Do you want to spend your life being busy? What feels more important than play, and why?

There is nothing more that you need to do, be, or have in order to deserve downtime. Play is your birthright, so test it out and see what happens :)

See you at recess,

P.S. If you're struggling to find the balance between building a business AND experiencing a joy-filled life simultaneously, let's talk!

Teaching women how to thrive in work and life is my jam, and I'm happy to set aside some time for us to talk about what that looks like for you. Click the button below to schedule a complimentary session!