Megan Ladd | The Joy Coach

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Escaping the Overwork Cycle: How I Did It And You Can Too

I vividly remember my days spent in a cubicle, void of natural light, where there was no way to tell what time of day it was. I often dreamt about having a more flexible schedule and the freedom to spend hours outside each day.

But let me tell you what happened when I actually took the leap into entrepreneurship and became my own boss: I found myself recreating the same work structure I'd been so desperate to escape.

There was always more I could be doing in my business, and I felt guilty stepping away from it. Even if I did, I still ended up thinking about it and not being fully present in whatever I was doing.

That dream schedule I once dreamt about? It was pretty much non-existent.

As a former "good student" and "above and beyond" kind of employee, I was used to putting in more hours to get better results (not to mention praise and recognition).

But without clear endings like project deadlines, or built-in resting time like summer breaks, I quickly found myself headed towards burnout.

Enter my amazing husband, Will, whose efficiency and peace of mind around stepping away from work to relax left me in awe.

As I watched him job search, I noticed that he created a system for himself, knocking out key tasks in the morning...and then giving himself full permission to take it easy the rest of the day. (Fun fact: this system that he perfected over the years is what he now teaches other job seekers!).

Will observed me stressing myself out very early on in my business, and gently, lovingly, shared what he saw happening. He'd witnessed my patterns of overworking in my last role, and knew how burnt out I'd become. I was grateful for the wake-up call, because honestly, operating this way felt so normal to me.

Together, we came up with a plan that factored in the best use of my energy, the most important tasks for growing my business, and (this was a big one) time for rest and play.

Most importantly, I began looking at and shifting what was going on for me internally: no longer attaching my value as a human to how hard I work, feeling the need to prove myself, or relying on pressure and anxiety to jump-start my motivation and fuel my goals.

And from there? It became easy to follow my spacious new schedule. To step away from work and truly disconnect. To enjoy my business when I was working, and be fully present in my life outside of it when I wasn't.

It started as an experiment, something new to test out "for the time being"...and it became a whole new way of experiencing my work —​ and my life.

If I hadn't made these changes, there is no doubt in my mind that I would've burned out. That I'd feel miserable in a business I created, even though it was built around something I love.

Maybe I'd have even quit by now.

At the very least, I wouldn't be experiencing the kind of work/life harmony that fills my day with joy and makes even the challenging moments feel so, so worth it.

If you can relate to my story, and you're caught in your own cycle of overworking and missing out on the full enjoyment of life itself, I want you to know that a different reality is so available to you.

The journey there is my speciality, and I'd be honored to guide you into this space of experiencing more ease and joy on a daily basis.

👉 Click here to learn more about working with me 1:1 👈 and set up a free consultation call.

Time is our most precious asset, and you deserve to spend as much of it as possible enjoying yourself, and enjoying your days.

To your most freedom-filled life,
