Megan Ladd | The Joy Coach

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It's Time to Stop Dimming Your Light

I spend a lot of time thinking about my clients and what I love most about them.

How powerful they are.

How what they’re putting out into the world is so beautiful, so needed.

How grateful I am to provide the safe space for their unfolding.

What an honor it is to be someone they can share their most authentic, most vulnerable selves with.

It often brings me to tears (happy tears!).

Stirring up these feelings of immense love and gratitude on purpose makes each day so much brighter.

I deeply believe that part of why we’re all here is to delight in the human experience, and the full-spectrum of emotions available to us. Including massive amounts of joy.

When we want more of it, we just have to intentionally create it.

Because the human mind, if left to its own devices, is way more concerned with protecting us by staying on the lookout for threats.

Even as a Joy Coach, my natural instinct isn’t to look for joy. But I’ve trained myself to seek it out, to choose it, and to cultivate more of it on a regular basis.

In a world where there is so much pain and suffering, choosing joy is a radical act.

It takes courage to stop dimming your light and show up as your most radiant self.

But it’s absolutely necessary if you want to experience life to the fullest, and do your most powerful work in the world.

The world needs your light.

And you deserve to feel the full expression of it too.

To your joy,

P.S. If you're ready to stop dimming your light and unleash next-level joy inside and outside of your business, I'm here to guide you through that process.

The next step is setting up a 1:1 coaching consultation to make sure we're magic together.

Click here to apply.