Making a Decision? Ask Yourself *THIS* Question
At the end of the day, every decision we make is either driven by faith or by fear.
When we make choices from a place of believing in ourselves — rooted in possibility and potential — we actively build the life and business we most desire.
But when fear takes the wheel?
We play small, and only scratch the surface of what’s possible.
Here’s the tricky part:
The voice of fear? It’s incredibly convincing.
Our brains are so smart — they know exactly what to say to keep us safe and avoid risk.
Things like:
💭 “What if it doesn’t work?”
💭 “What if people think I’m a failure?”
💭 “What if I’m not (smart, creative, talented) enough?”
Sound familiar?
Fear shows up anytime there’s a potential for rejection or perceived failure. And, trust me: I know how tempting it is to listen to that voice!
But here’s the magic: you don’t have to believe in yourself 100% to act from faith. You just have to act as if you do.
In moments when fear creeps in, ask yourself:
👉 What would I do if I fully believed in myself?
And then — here’s the most important part — take action from that place.
When you start collecting evidence that things do work out when you act with faith, something powerful happens:
You build trust in yourself.
You start to see that your fear was just smoke and mirrors.
And you begin to take bigger, bolder steps toward your vision.
Because here’s the truth:
Fear’s job is to keep you safe. But it doesn’t help you build the extraordinary life or business you’re here to create.
So, next time fear shows up? Hear it out. But don’t let it run the show.
Your dreams deserve to be driven by faith, possibility, and belief — even if you have to fake it for a little while 😉
To your biggest dreams,
P.S. If you’ve been feeling stuck or like fear is holding you back from going all in on your vision, I’d love to support you.
I’ll show you how to lovingly quiet the voice of fear, release the pressure you’ve been putting on yourself, and access the most confident, powerful version of yourself yet!
This work changes everything — not just in your business, but in your life, for the rest of your life.
Click here to book a 1:1 coaching consultation, and let's start building the future you’ve envisioned for 2025 and beyond.
More clarity and confidence awaits!