Megan Ladd | The Joy Coach

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[Podcast Interview] How to Stop Suffering and Add More JOY!

A few weeks ago I recorded an interview with my friend and colleague Kristen Finch for her podcast "Show Up and Love."

Here's the link to check out our conversation about moving out of suffering and into joy when working towards any big goal.

This podcast came about after Kristen and I met in our mastermind group and both noticed the temptation to hustle and push our way forward to achieve a stretch goal set by our coach.

We both saw so clearly how adding unnecessary pressure ultimately just paralyzes us and inhibits the very success we're seeking.

Even though worrying about outcomes can feel important and helpful and like it gives us a sense of control, at the end of the day that sh*t wears you out mentally and emotionally and doesn't do anything to help your cause. It also gets you wrapped up in the details and the "how" of things, and makes it harder to keep your vibration high and notice opportunities unfolding all around you.

We got so fired up talking about our shared love of finding joy in the process — and how suffering can be optional — that we decided to make a whole podcast episode talking about what DOES work!

It's the same approach I used to ultimately hit that big goal I mentioned without driving myself crazy in the process. More on that next week ;)

For now, here's the link to listen one more time.

To enjoying the ride AND blowing your mind,

P.S. For the longest time, the only way I knew how to hit big goals was by putting SO much pressure on myself. I got a taste of that again recently, and I'm so glad I had tools to work with what came up and turn things around. It's what allowed me to actually hit my goal AND not feel like a hot mess along the way.

If you're tired of constantly striving to hit goals in your life, only to feel a fleeting sense of satisfaction once you hit them, I can help you get off that rollercoaster once and for all. It really is possible to achieve incredible things and love your life at the same time.

Click here to schedule a time for us to connect.