Welcome! I’m Megan, and I’m The Joy Coach.
I’m here to help you experience more ease and enjoyment in your days, so you can live your life to the fullest.
You landed on my page for a reason, and I’m so glad you’re here.
Here’s what I want you to know: a fun, freeing, and incredibly satisfying life is available to you.
Even if it feels far away at the moment.
Even if you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or on the verge of burnout…
And even if most days are a blur, and you can’t remember the last time you felt fully present, relaxed, and filled with childlike joy.
If any of that rings true for you, welcome. You’re in the right place.
My speciality is getting you out of your head and off of the hamster wheel of constantly stressing and doing all the things — so you can accomplish your dreams without missing out on your one amazing life.
It’s time to take perfectionism out of the driver’s seat, release all that pressure you’re used to putting on yourself, and enjoy the moment right in front of you.
It’s time to access the wisdom within yourself, step forward as the leader you came here to be, and reach your full potential — all while having FUN and enjoying yourself in the process!
The good news: It’s okay if you’re having a hard time right now. There is nothing wrong with you. Sometimes it takes feeling enough discomfort to inspire some major changes. Consider this your official turning point!
The great news: You don’t have to do it alone. I’m here for you, and as a former overachiever and recovering perfectionist myself, I’m no stranger to overworking, burning out, and feeling like life is just one giant to-do list. Over the last 7 years, I’ve helped hundreds of clients break free from this way of living and working, just like I did.
The best news: If you’re a kind, motivated type committed to growth and making the most of your life, you’re in the perfect place. I only partner with clients who are all-in. Because I'm all-in — and when we both are? There’s no stopping us!
I can’t wait for you to experience what it’s like to take a joy-first approach to life and work, where fear, anxiety and a pressure to constantly do and achieve more no longer run the show.
It’s like walking into the open-air lobby of a tropical resort and feeling the warm, salty sea breeze on your face after 20 hours of travel.
Setting down your heavy tote bag, giving your shoulders a much-needed break, slipping on your flip flops and swimsuit, and making your way down to the beachfront pool…
Plopping onto a sun-soaked lounger with a good book and a fresh-squeezed juice by your side…
Letting the worries that previously occupied your mind melt away, and not wanting to be anywhere else but right here in this moment.
Can you picture it? I can basically smell the coconut-y fragrance of my favorite sunscreen as I type this!
It might sound like I’m describing my ideal vacation (and, okay, I totally am) but the feelings are the same: that kind of contentment, peace of mind, lightness and presence we tend to associate with getaways is something you can experience on a daily basis with a joy-first approach.
I wish they taught it in schools (and maybe someday they will!), because it truly is the most freeing and satisfying way to experience life.
And isn’t that the whole point, after all? To enjoy ourselves?
We’re not here to delay our satisfaction and spend our precious days as productivity machines.
We’re here to live it UP, bask in life’s simple pleasures, connect deeply with the people we love most, and pursue our passions in a way that allows us to make the true difference we’re here to make.
Prioritizing your joy isn’t a nice-to-have. It’s the key to living a meaningful, happy and healthy life.
A life that feels even better than vacation.
That’s what we create together.
Because that’s what you deserve.
If you're ready to experience it for yourself, click here to reach out so we can hop on a call and explore options for making this your reality.
“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”