When we make choices from a place of believing in ourselves — rooted in possibility and potential — we actively build the life and business we most desire.
But when fear takes the wheel?
We play small, and only scratch the surface of what’s possible.
How do you feel when people ask how your business is doing?
If you tend to clamp up and wonder how in the world to answer such a loaded question succinctly — and in a way you feel good about — today's blog is for you!
It's normal to feel sad or disappointed when this happens, but if you're finding that a client quitting is knocking you off your game completely, today's email should help you move forward with more ease.
Caring about what other people think is hardwired into our survival.
The good news is that we can learn how to navigate our natural human — response to being judged, disliked, or called out — and greatly minimize the effect this has on us.
Today's blog is all about the perks of being a highly sensitive person! At times this felt like a weakness at times growing up, but I now see that it is one of my biggest superpowers — not just as a coach, but as a human experiencing life so richly.
You don't want to settle for a lower standard, but you're also tired of stretching beyond your capacity when you're working towards the things that matter to you.
So what do you do?
Here are the 5 steps I recommend for keeping your standards high without stressing yourself out in the process!
If you've got 5 minutes to spare, and you've ever received positive feedback from a client...get ready for a quick and easy confidence booster to add some oomph to your day!