Is it Resistance or Misalignment? How to Decode Your Feelings
One of the most common questions my clients grapple with is: Am I feeling resistance to something, or is it just out of alignment for me?
To navigate this, I've come up with a very simple guideline to tell the difference between the two:
Resistance tends to feel stickier and charged, while misalignment feels neutral — like a full-body "no" 🚫
The trick is not to let thoughts rush in after a full-body no, questioning this sensation...especially when logic doesn't back it up. Our bodies know more than our minds do, and often, we don't have a "logical" reason to back up this feeling. We just know something isn't right for us.
Let me paint you a picture with two scenarios:
1️⃣ RESISTANCE: Let's say you've always wanted to start a podcast, but every time you gear up to record your first episode, you're overwhelmed with fatigue and lack of inspiration.
However, your heart keeps pulling you back.
This is resistance: your heart is still in it, but your brain is talking you OUT of it (and trying to keep you in your comfort zone).
In this case, I would focus on helping you clear up that resistance and reconnect to the calling and inspiration that lies beneath it.
2️⃣ OUT OF ALIGNMENT: You've been trying to scale your business a certain way, following another coach's model. It's had some success, but it feels forced and wrong.
This is misalignment: your heart's not in it, but your brain keeps talking you INTO it.
In this case, I would explore how you would choose to do things if there weren't any negative consequences (because our minds tend to be great at picturing the worst case scenario!).
I'd take things in the opposite direction and ask questions like:
If any approach could work, which one would you take?
What if doing things your way, and pivoting from what isn't feeling right to you, worked out beautifully? What would that look or feel like?
In both cases, following your heart frees up so much energy and inspiration 💖
You won't regret it,
P.S. If your brain's overwhelmed with a million different thoughts, I'm here to help you clear out the mental clutter — and figure out what you really want — so you can take those next steps with confidence and ease 💃