How to Streamline Your To-Do List
You probably already know that I'm a big fan of working smarter vs. harder, and finding ways to maximize your energy.
One of the easiest ways to do that is by doing less with more focus — which means being willing to prioritize tasks, and even take some off of your plate (for now).
Most clients I work with resist taking tasks off of their to-do lists (I get it!), but the irony is that once they're willing to try it, they end up loving how it feels.
If you're open to trying it too, here's a simple way to get started:
I once heard a metaphor (I believe from Mel Robbins) where you think of everything you're doing as being a combination of glass balls and plastic balls.
Some tasks (glass balls) are more important and things you don't want to drop, while the others (plastic balls) can fall to the ground and bounce for a bit. It's okay to let go of them temporarily if it makes your life easier.
As you think about that right now, what examples come to mind from your own life?
Thinking about the next few days: what tasks are the glass balls, and which are the plastic ones?
Out of the plastic balls, are there any you're willing to let sit on the floor for now, if it means that you have more energy and focus to dedicate to the (more important) glass balls?
If so, I challenge you to try this out and see how it feels for yourself!
More to come on this soon with a special podcast episode I'm releasing about how to feel less overwhelmed.
In the meantime, don't miss the latest podcast interview, where I speak with social media expert Shannon McKinstrie about how to grow on Instagram in a way that feels simple and streamlined.
One of my favorite tips she shared was about how to avoid content creator burnout by working smarter (she gave some great tips for repurposing content!).
Here are the links to listen on Apple, Spotify, or my website.
Last but certainly not least: if you're reading this right now, I want to acknowledge you for putting so much effort into doing your best (and being your best self) on a daily basis.
I hope you know how amazing you are, and I hope this email (and the podcast!) supports you in continuing to make your life easier and more enjoyable in every area across the board.
You deserve it,