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Play As A Basic Need

On day one of puppy class, our trainer outlined dogs' basic needs. Before putting them in a crate to settle or leaving them alone for a period of time, we have to make sure they've:

  1. Been fed

  2. Had water

  3. Gone to the bathroom

  4. Been played with

The first 3 seemed obvious, but I'd never thought of playtime as a basic need before.

It got me thinking about how play really is a necessity...for both puppies and humans.

You might be pretty good about making sure you eat, go to the bathroom, and drink water. But what if you prioritized play too? What if it is a basic need?

Think about recess as a kid growing up. You needed that time to relax, socialize, goof around, and get outside. Can you even imagine a whole day of school without recess? The torture!

But in the midst of and running your business, does play get lost in the shuffle?

Just because we're adults, doesn't mean our need or desire for play is gone! If anything, the more serious life gets and the more responsibilities we have, the more we need to play!

Here's what I know: Giving my brain a chance to rest and not think about work breathes live energy into every aspect of my life. When I set aside intentional time for fun, I have more energy, I feel more connected with the people I love, and I enjoy being exactly where I am vs. focusing so much on what's next. It's no accident that the best ideas always come to me after taking time to enjoy myself.

So what are you waiting for?! Plan something fun this week and notice how you feel during and after that time. Notice what happens when you let yourself recharge in this way.

What are some of your favorite ways to play? Even if it's been a while, what did you used to enjoy doing before things got so busy? If you were to be given an hour of recess today, how would you spend it?



P.S. If you think time for play sounds nice, but you have NO idea how to actually incorporate it into your life (let alone use it to grow your business!) — let’s talk about how bringing more fun in could be a game changer for you.

Click here to schedule a time for us to connect.
