The #1 Mindset Block Sabotaging Your Success

The #1 mindset block I see stopping entrepreneurs from reaching their potential is the fear of what other people will think.

This tends to show up as fear of 1) publicly failing, or 2) publicly succeeding.

Both boil down to worrying about others' opinions and judgments of you (as you either fall on your face or soar to new heights).

As a human, you're wired to constantly take this into consideration. Your brain believes you need your "tribe" to survive. Therefore, anything that threatens being liked or loved registers as danger to your system.

The good news: with practice and patience, you can learn how to override this natural tendency.

You can allow fear to be there — without letting it stop you from doing the very things that help you expand.

When you learn how to do this, you become truly unstoppable.

Ready to step into that powerful energy?

Here's an intention to get you started (I recommend reading it out loud):

“My concerns about what others think are fading away.

They’re becoming smaller by the second, as my desire to go all-in on my dreams *amplifies* before my eyes.

I’m more committed to my success than ever before.

I’m releasing the need to fit in.

I’m committed to my growth.

I’m open and ready.

I’m here for it ALL.

Nothing can stop me now.”

To your most empowered year yet,

P.S. This is the energy that makes growing your business so much easier. Because when you're willing to fail — as well as succeed beyond your wildest dreams — you play bigger, show up more authentically, let yourself shine, easily draw in your most aligned clients...and enjoy the ride infinitely more.

This is the vibe in my upcoming Spring mastermind.

Alongside an intimate group of heart-centered entrepreneurs, you'll get to experience just how GOOD life and business can be — without sabotaging your success along the way.

Click here to hop on the VIP list, and you'll be the first to hear more details when doors open (plus get early access to applications, which I'm accepting on a first-come, first-serve basis).