Use This to Decide Your Next Steps

Today I'm sharing a quick and easy tool I rely on for making decisions without a ton of brainpower. I call it The Sacred Pause.

You know how when you first meet someone, you can immediately tell whether or not you vibe? You either feel it or you don’t.

Your immediate response to anything is FULL of valuable information for you.

It happens in an instant, but if you know to look for it, you’ll always know what to do next.

It’s like accessing a superpower you’ve had all along.

Here's how The Sacred Pause works:

You simply notice your immediate internal response to things before a bunch of thoughts rush in.

Check in right away and ask: is it a full-body YES?

If not, it’s a no.

Move right along, trusting there’s something better in store for you.

And if it IS a yes, then by all means: you have your answer!

It's such a quick, easy, and freeing way to operate.

Give it a try this week (or even right now!) and you'll see what I mean.

With love,


P.S. I know what it’s like to get stuck in limbo, overthink things, and drive yourself nuts trying to make the right decisions. I've been there, and it's an exhausting way to live.

If you’re ready to break out of this cycle for good and free up more time and energy, my 1:1 coaching program will help you do just that.

Click here to apply for a consultation.